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About us

Digital DNA


Innovative use of technology is part of Exiros’ DNA. We create digital solutions to empower procurement functions and achieve the efficiency of our clients' supply chains– from the search and development of suppliers, to inventory management.

2.B2B Platform3

Procurement solutions for the Digital Age

We lead the digital transformation of the procurement business by applying the latest, cutting-edge technologies, combined with our expertise and in-depth knowledge of the Procure-to-Pay process . We develop and deploy innovative technological solutions to streamline the processes for our trading partners, reducing time and costs, while increasing transparency, effectiveness and reliability.

1. Procurement solutions (1)
Integration with vendors

B2B platforms

Exiros enables B2B channels with its trading partners to allow the digital exchange of procurement documents. Our electronic tender portal ensures transparency and traceability. We use various electronic protocols to transfer purchase orders, thus reducing processing time and transaction costs, while increasing time compliance. Our punch-out catalog platform brings requesters and suppliers closer to carry out purchases with the ease of use of a shopping cart app. Our cloud-based spare parts catalog enables collaborative updates by our vendors.

3.Transactional Efficiency(1)

Transactional efficiency

We also design solutions to achieve internal efficiency in all our processes. We carry out inventory optimization through predictive analytics algorithms. Rules engine based applications take care of low-value added transactions, while our highly qualified staff focuses on relevant negotiations. Our operational back-office uses paperless digitization technology to make processes lean and efficient.

About us



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