Exiros is fully involved in its customers’ business and is committed to achieving the highest standards of quality in the procurement services it renders, using continuous improvement and innovation to create value.
Exiros’ Management establishes quality goals identifying any potential risks, measures its performance and assigns the necessary resources to efficiently achieve them.
The company is committed to developing and empowering its personnel, communicating, evaluating, motivating and training human resources as part of its Policy and Quality System, thus securing its people’s commitment to a culture of quality.
Management views supplier development as one of the main priorities in its drive to achieve the sustainable improvement of customers’ supply chains, and not only focuses on increasing their effectiveness and efficiency but also actively encourages them to be a source of innovation for customers.
Besides ensuring that all legal and regulatory requirements are met, Exiros Managers are personally committed to complying with this Quality Policy, commensurate with the ethical principles of the company’s Code of Conduct.
Exiros is certified with ISO 9001:2015 for the purchase of materials and services on behalf of customers, trading and suppliers search, selection and evaluation.