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Ethic and compliance

Our commitment to transparency

We promote a culture of transparency on the basis of integral, ethical behavior, and compliance with the law.

1. Code Of Conduct3

Code of conduct

This code of conduct defines guidelines and standards of integrity and transparency which must be complied with by all employees, officers and directors at all levels within Exiros.

Ethic and Compliance

Download our Code of Conduct for Suppliers

File Size Download
Code Of Conduct For Suppliers 210 KB 210 KB
Código De Conducta Para Proveedores 233 KB 233 KB
Codice Di Condotta Per I Fornitori 775 KB 775 KB
Cod De Conduita Pentru Furnizori 336 KB 336 KB
Código De Conduta Para Fornecedores 509 KB 509 KB
Ethic and compliance

Download our Code of Conduct

File Size Download
Code of Conduct 11 MB 11 MB
Key Principles of Policy on Business Conduct for Third Parties 217 KB 217 KB
2.Compliance Line2

Compliance line


Our compliance line is available for employees, customers, suppliers and other interested parties to report any conducts that fail to fulfill our Code of Conduct or its principles on a confidential basis. The compliance line operates according to procedures designed by our Internal Audit function.


Social responsibility


Work at Exiros

About us

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